Lesson 4 Reading/Viewing


12 Angry Men

Viewing Sidney Lumet's Film: 12 Angry Men



Antigone was a classical tale of morality and moral choice using elevated characters (kings, gods). Now, though we are often faced with moral choices in our daily life, what might be an appropriate forum for making moral decisions in our modern world? Well, ideally, a jury would be a group of ordinary citizens called to duty as servants of justice, called to use their moral sense and perspective to decide an individual's CULPABILITY (guiltiness) in a alleged crime.

In the film 12 Angry Men, we watch as a jury of peers debate and decide the accused's guilt or innocence. It's a modern day moral CRUCIBLE (place in which concentrated forces interact) where characters are forced to reassess their moral foundations and relationships with other human beings.

View the film 12 Angry Men linked here (high speed)

For dial up internet accounts view the film 12 Angry Men linked here (dial up).

Discussion Board Assignment--12 Angry Men review: Read several different online or print reviews of the movie, 12 Angry Men and respond to one that you find particularly interesting or on-track with your feelings about the film.  Include at least one quote from the review in your post.  You may begin with the quote and then respond to it.  You must cite the quote by putting the website in parentheses after the quote.  Click here for some recommended film review websites.

Copy and paste response from the discussion board to the Antigone Honors Lesson 4 Assignment Sheet.

Click on these links to see this lesson's Writing Assignments, or Language Study assignments.

NEXT: Lesson 4 Writing