Lesson 3 Language Study


Vocabulary--Antonyms and Synonyms

Language Study--Antigone--Vocabulary

The Yin-Yang symbol above represents a complex philosophy, but simply might be said to reflect the duality of nature: for every force, there is an similar yet opposing force. For our purposes, we want to look at these forces as they relate to words, specifcally antonyms and synonyms.

Reading Assignment: Go to page 136 in the online textbook and read the section about Clarifying Word Meanings: Comparison and Contrast.

After reading, make a word map like the one below for five Lesson 3 words on the Antigone vocabulary sheet linked here. First, list at least one synonym and, when possible, an antonym (many words do not have antonyms). Consult a dictionary and a thesaurus if necessary. Then, write a sentence clarifying each word’s meaning. ***Use synonyms or antonyms in your sentences to compare and contrast the words’ meanings.***

Remember to include a context clue or information within the sentence which sheds light on the word’s meaning.

Underline the vocabulary word
and boldface the synonym/antonym.

Here's an example:

(Holt Online Ed., page 136)

Use the Antonym/Synonym Word Map linked here to complete this assignment.

NEXT: Checklist