Lesson 3:  Language Study


Selection 1:  Presenting Language

  image of various fonts  

Big Idea: While MLA requires 12-pt size and either Times New Roman or Arial font, when you create your own presentation (or website), you can choose additional styles of fonts that add to the mood (emotional climate) or tone (your attitude towards what you’re presenting). A word of advice: words without a lot of curls (sans serif) are easier for people to read than ones that have a lot of curls.


Here’s an example of each:

image of serif and sans serif


Which one do you prefer?

Sometimes it’s helpful to add color or change words to bold to add emphasis.

What choices will you make for your page?

Assignment Preparation: Use the Google Site template shared with you or create your own. Decide and create a space for these parts of your project:

  1. Nonfiction research report on the topic (your work, ideas, and conclusions)

  2. Visual aid (or aids) -- examples include cited images, graphs, data, infographics

  3. Additional print genre -- examples include a second non-fiction piece; a creative piece such as a poem or dialogue; an interview…

  4. One other element of your choice -- you might choose an audio file; music; a video

Assignment Completion: Create your page. Watch and read the help information to know how to format it and to customize it for your topic. Paste a link to your template into your assignment sheet. This is a completion task, but you must have all elements represented on the sheet. You should also write down what you learned about creating a Google Site.




TIPS (Take notes about what you do and report that information back to your teacher on this week’s assignment sheet)

  1. Here is a sample site to get you started thinking about how you’d like your site to look. Then, go into GoogleSites and start with a blank template. Follow the directions for how to get started with the next pieces.

  2. To create the site, you will want to read the how-to information and also the +Explore button. The +Explore button will give you additional templates, colors, etc. 
  3. Click on “help” to get instructions about how to embed files and to link to other documents.

  4. You want your page to be interesting! Look at some websites for ideas.

Link to FCPS Library Services Databases: Find the info, explore fact, get answers
Link to FCPS LIS Databases