Lesson 2 - Reading:  Building your nonfiction reading skills


Selection 1: “Native Americans protest North Dakota pipeline, cite effects on water”

  picture of oli pipeline and foreground and mountain range in background  

Read this article: “Native Americans Protest North Dakota Pipeline, Cite Effects on Water.” Then, take the quiz at the end.  

READING STRATEGIES: annotating and summarizing

As you read, highlight evidence to answer each question and write your opinions. By slowing down and writing main ideas, you will understand more and be able to make inferences.

Assignment: submit your answers to the quesions below on the daily assignment sheet.

  Assignment Questions:

Paragraph 1: After you finish reading the introduction, reread this paragraph. How does it set the tone for the rest of the introduction? Explain.

Paragraph 2: What does it mean that Native Americans have suffered "indignity"? Explain, based on the information in the paragraph and your own knowledge.

Paragraph 6: Consider this quotation: "Every time there's a project of this magnitude, so the nation can benefit, there's a cost," said Dave Archambault, the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux, who was among those arrested. "That cost is born by tribal nations." What might make Archambault a reliable source? What might make us think he is biased?

Reference the quotation above and answer:

How is this detail important to the central idea of the article? Explain.

If you have printed the article or downloaded it, highlight how protesters feel about their cause. Find at least three examples. Do these descriptions create pathos/ do they make you feel empathy for the protestors?


girl with book

That first article was published by the L.A. times in Sept. 2016. Try to make a text-to-self connection: Think back to those protests. It’s likely that you saw information on a variety of news sources including Twitter and Facebook.

Next, read this more recent update [PDF]. As you read, apply your nonfiction reading skills!

Assignment: Answer the following questions using evidence from both articles. (Try annotating key points and taking notes on main ideas!)
When you use a quotation, be sure to embed it. Use a parenthetical citation before the period and after the quotation. Look at the example below.

Paste your answers into your assignment sheet.

Note: next year, when you take the English 11 Reading SOL, you might encounter paired texts.

  Paired Text Assignment Questions:

Besides the topic itself, what are some facts that the articles share?

How can you tell that the information is a fact?

Do you think the authors are biased or unbiased? How can you tell?

Based on what you have learned, why have protests stopped?

image of book SKILL: Example of how to embed a quotation below.

Unfortunately, even though the tribal groups initially won “an expanded environmental review ordered in the final days of the Obama administration, [now] the project is racing ahead at the urging of President Trump” (Yardey).

Link to FCPS Library Services Databases: Find the info, explore fact, get answers
Link to FCPS LIS Databases