Lesson 1 Language Study:  Understanding Rhetoric


Selection 1: Rhetorical terminology and logical fallacies
  image of speaker with several masks (used in order to put on several faces and thus persuade members of the audience)  

Big Idea:
While it’s important that we can identify the type of text we see online, we also need to be able to understand how language itself might be used to shift our opinions or shade the truth.

Use this glossary of rhetorical terms and logical fallacies to guide your work. Be sure to download it.

Assignment: Apply the PATTR strategy (found in the glossary) and look at any article you’ve looked at today. Identify at least two aspects of the article (such as P + T) Use evidence so that you can prove you understand the terms. Copy your examples into the assignment sheet. Examples that are not clearly explained and include a quotation will not receive credit.  


Link to FCPS Library Services Databases: Find the info, explore fact, get answers
Link to FCPS LIS Databases