Lesson 4 Writing


A Study of Style: The Bean Trees

image of inside library

Objective: Students will identify crucial elements of plot and explore the characters and language (voice) of The Bean Trees by creating a series on postcards from Taylor to her mother.

On page 15 of The Bean Trees, Taylor writes her mother a postcard.  Write an additional three postcards from Taylor to her mother. You will need to:

  • Decide when Taylor would have written these cards

  • Determine what information Taylor would want to communicate

  • Imitate the voice of Taylor Greer

  • Choose a picture/photograph for the postcard. Copy this image and paste it above Taylor’s words. 

Your postcards should be at least fifty words.  At the bottom of your postcard, explain why Taylor would have chosen the image/photograph for the card.

Click here for assignment rubric.

Click here for an example.

NEXT: The Bean Trees: Quote Marker Activity Part IV