Lesson 4 Writing


The Bean Trees:
Quote Marker Activity

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Reading for Theme

Theme is the meaning of the piece of literature or poetry. Not to be mistaken as a mere subject or moral lesson, theme is the most abstract if not sophisticated aspect of literary analysis. A discussion of theme must rely on the way in which literary techniques and elements work together to reveal a larger truth. Themes often involve ambiguities about the nature of the human experience and do not easily fit into one sentence truisms.

Need more information on theme? Click here: Reading for Theme

Assignment: Part IV - not on Assignment Sheet

Record five (5) quotations from The Bean Trees (any sentences from the novel) that you believe are significant.  Record the quotation, MLA parenthetical citation, and why you believe it’s important.   Keep in mind, you will need passages for later assessments of theme and final critique.

NEXT: Lesson 4 Vocabulary