Lesson 1 Reading



Greek Drama--Antigone--Parados


[Strophe I]

CHORUS:: Now the long blade of the sun, lying
Level east to west, touches with glory
Thebes of the Seven Gates. Open, unlidded
Eye of golden day! 0 marching light
Across the eddy and rush of Dirce's stream,         (5)
Striking the white shields of the enemy
Thrown headlong backward from the blaze of morning!
CHORAGOS: Polyneices their commander
Roused them with windy phrases,
He the wild eagle screaming                                   (10)
Insults above our land,
His wings their shields of snow,
His crest their marshalled helms.

Antistrophe 1

CHORUS: Against our seven gates in a yawning ring
The famished spears came onward in the night;  (15)
But before his jaws were sated with our blood,
Or pinefire took the garland of our towers,
He was thrown back, and as he turned, great Thebes —
No tender victim for his noisy power —
Rose like a dragon behind him, shouting war.      (20)
CHORAGOS: For God hates utterly
The bray of bragging tongues;
And when he beheld their smiling,
Their swagger of golden helms,
The frown of his thunder blasted                           (25)
Their first man from our walls.

Strophe 2

CHORUS: We heard his shout of triumph high in the air
Turn to a scream; far out in a flaming arc
He fell with his windy torch, and the earth struck him.
And others storming in fury no less than his         (30)
Found shock of death in the dusty joy of battle.
CHORAGOS: Seven captains at seven gates
Yielded their clanging arms to the god
That bends the battle-line and breaks it.
These two only, brothers in blood,                        (35)
Face to face in matchless rage,
Mirroring each the other's death
Clashed in long combat.

Antistrophe 2

CHORUS: But now in the beautiful morning of victory
Let Thebes of the many chariots sing for joy!       (40)
With hearts for dancing we'll take leave of war:
Our temples shall be sweet with hymns of praise,
And the long nights shall echo with our chorus.

NEXT: Antigone: SCENE 1 (or click here to go back to Reading assignments).