Lesson 1 Reading



Greek Drama--Antigone--Prologue, Parados, Scene 1, and Ode 1


Read the Prologue, Parodos, Scene 1 and Ode 1 linked here. Define the vocabulary words in context or look them up at an online dictionary site.

Antigone begins with a Prologue, a dialogue between the sisters Antigone and Ismene about doing the right thing. Then, in the Parodos, the Chorus will recount the battle between Antigone's brothers: Polyneices and Eteocles, a bit of a flashback, if you will. The last reading selection for this lesson, Scene 1 and Ode 1, Creon makes his public decree on the burial of Polyneices.

(whole text: http://learning.swc.hccs.edu/members/sheri.brogdon/antigone.html

Antigone Film: To view the Prologue through Ode 1, click on the following link: Antigone Part 1.  

After reading,viewing, go to Blackboard Assessments and take the Antigone: Prologue, Parados, Scene 1, and Ode 1 Quiz. Good luck! Submit score on the Antigone Honors Lesson 1 Assignment Sheet.

Discussion Board Assignment: So, should Antigone follow her conscience and provide her brother Polyneices at proper burial or follow Creon's authority outlawing such a burial? Therein is the initial conflict in Antigone--an individual's conscience at odds with established authority. What do you do when you know that those in power are morally wrong? Do you break their laws, or do you collaborate with them by obeying?

For example, it was against the law in some countries, during WWII, to helps Jews escape the Nazis. Now morally, what do you do, help the Jews escape or assist the Nazis by not helping the Jews?

Go to the discussion board and provide an example of a moral dilemma when, in your opinion, individuals were justified in breaking the law. Make sure to explain why you feel these individuals were justified in their actions. Copy and paste response from the discussion board to the Antigone Honors Lesson 1 Assignment Sheet.

NEXT: Lesson I Writing

Click on these links to see this lesson's Writing Assignments, or Language Study assignments.