Lesson 1 Language Study


Greek/Latin Roots

Language Study--More Examples


  Finding Roots in Words, Continued

Why are so many words in English formed in using Greek and Latin roots? It's a matter of civilization. The Greek, and more so the Roman civilizations, passed down their languages, as well as other traditions, customs, knowledge. Here are more examples of Greek and Latin roots.

Greek Roots  Meaning Example
--ped-- child pediatrician (medical specialist--children)
--soph-- wise philosophy (pursuit of wisdom)
--anthro-- man misanthrope (hater of mankind)
--gamy-- marriage bigamy (married to more than one person)
--chrono-- time anachronism (something out of time sequence
Latin Roots Meaning Example
--spec--, --spic-- to see auspicious (favorable outlook)
--bene-- good beneficient (generous)
--sanct-- holy sanctimonious (hypocritically devout)
--somn-- sleep somnolent (sleepy)
--nomen--,--nomin--, --onym-- name ignominious (loss of good name)
--dict-- say diction (choice of words
--amor--, --amic-- love; friend amicable (kind, friendly)

Your turn now.

Select 5 words from the Antigone Lesson 1 Vocabulary Sheet and create an Etymology Word Map for each word.

Use the Word Map template linked here.
Submit your assignment as lastname_etymology1_date.

The Online Etymology Dictionary may be a good reference site.

NEXT: Checklist