Lesson 1 Language Study


Greek/Latin Roots

Language Study--Inferring a Word's Definition


  Finding Roots in Words

See how well you can INFER (derive) each of the words below given their Greek/Latin roots.

Greek Roots  Meaning Example
--log-- study or science of; speech, words anthropology
--poly-- many; much polygon
--therm-- heat thermometer
Latin Roots Meaning Example
--cred-- belief; trust credulity
--fid-- belief; faith perfidy
--luc--, --lum-- light pellucid
--vid--, --vis-- see; seeing video, revise

Use the table here in matching the word to the definition below


1. Elucidate A. existing in several forms
2. Incredulous B. warm-blooded
3. Polymorphism C. envious, perhaps upon sight
4. Infidel D. speech made at the beginning of a play
5. Endothermic E. make clear
6. Invidious F. shining
7. Prologue G. a disbeliver
8. Luminous H. expressing disbelief

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How well did you do? Did you consider the prefix "in" (meaning "non" or "un") when inferring those definitions?

For more information on Greek roots, visit pages 1131-1133 in the online textbook.

NEXT: More Guided Practice: Other Greek/Latin Roots to Note