Active vs. Passive Voice


Active vs. Passive Voice Guided Practice

Read the following passages. Click on the radio button of the more clear, concise, passage.

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My dog is greatly loved by me. He is always asked to sit, which is not always done. He was taken out around the neighborhood before and after school, until one day I had to clean my room so he was just let out the front door. Sadly, he was fought by a much bigger dog. Now his nose has been reconstructed, so later I will go to the vet’s office and he will be claimed. I fear that his spunk may have been taken away that day, but I promise to keep him safe even if my room should be being cleaned.
I love my dog. I always ask him to sit, which he doesn’t always do. I used to take him out around the neighborhood before and after school, until one day I had to clean my room so I just let him out the front door. Sadly, a much bigger dog fought him. Now the vet has reconstructed his nose, so later I will go to the vet’s office to claim him. I fear that the bigger dog stole his spunk that day, but I promise to keep him safe even if I should be cleaning my room.

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