Lesson 1 Reading


The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

Native American Symbol: Man-in-the-Maze


The above image serves not only as another source for the distinction between OBSERVATION and INFERENCE but also introduces this unit's work of long fiction, The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver.

Taylor Greer, the novels PROTAGONIST (principle character) might be the human figure facing her future, a maze-like horizon filled with common pitfalls (teenage pregnancy) and mysterious places (Arizona desert). What choices, turns, discoveries, and mis-steps will she make? Her journey is ARCHETYPAL (universal), in that it is a passage from childhood to adulthood and in Taylor's mind, the first turn is to get out of her hometown. From there, who knows...it's tough to know what choices we'll face until we get to the fork in the road.

A Literal Interpretation

Choice Implied Here
  yellow wood

Evaluative: How Will My Chosen Path Affect Me?

The image above (on left)is a literal interpretation (comprehension) of the phrase "fork in the road." An IMPLIED interpretation or understanding would consider a choice in the road one travels (image on right). Robert Frost wrote an EVALUATIVE interpretation upon consideration of the meaning of such a choice in the road one travels...click here to view.

Read chapters 1-4 in The Bean Trees. Define vocabulary words, if necessary.

Notice the title of the 1st chapter, "The One to Get Away"? The chapter title hints at the first important choice the novel's PROTAGONIST (principle character) makes in searching for her life, her self, after high school.

Click on the Chapter number for notes:

Click here for all audio files for The Bean Trees.

Using Chrome? Try these:

Chapters 1-6

Chapters 7-12

Chapters 13-17

Choose one of the following to respond to in the discussion board:

1. What is the story behind your name? Were you named after someone in your family or from history? Ask your parents why you were named what you were named.  In your family, are there any traditions surrounding the naming of a child?


2. Do you “feel” like your name?  Are you happy with your name or not? Discuss with specifics.

Respond to one (or two) students.


After reading , take the The Bean Trees Chapter 1-4 Quiz in Schoology.  

NEXT: Lesson 1 Writing: Point of View and Style