
Topic 4: Exploration & Trade

Online Tasks

| Task 1 | Task 2 |

Task 1: Tracing Explorer's Routes to the East

Imagine that it is the year 1600 in Sarges, Portugal… You are the chief cartographer (mapmaker) at the Prince Henry School of Navigation. You have been asked to create a map to show students at the school the routes followed by famous explorers. Your map should be neat and accurate.


  1. Use this Blank Map JPG file | Word fileand the animated map below to complete the following activity. You can also print or look at the map from p. 534

  2. Use arrows and/or other drawing tools to indicate the routes followed by the following explorers: Bartolmeu Dias and Vasco Da Gama. Use the colors from the map legend for your arrows, to show the different explorers. Also label the year for each explorer.

  3. Save your map, complete TASK 2, and then submit using the Assignment link in Blackboard.

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Save your work and submit it via the Assignment link in Blackboard.