
Topic 24: The 100 Years War & Black Plague

Online Tasks

| Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |


Task 1 - England and France Timeline Activity

Your assignment is to create an illustrated timeline highlighting the political development of England and France. You may use either Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to complete your work as well as your textbook, notes and good, academic, websites. Please include any links to these websites on your last slide.

Be sure to include major events for both nation states as follows:

  • For England, include 3 pictures and start with the Battle of Hastings (1066) and end with the Model Parliament (1295). Be sure to also include the following items on your timeline and at least one sentence about the person/event's impact:
    • William the Conqueror (Norman conquest),
    • Henry II (common law),
    • King John (Magna Charta and the church) and
    • Edward I (legislature).
  • For France, include 3 pictures and start your timeline with the rise of Hugh Capet (987) through the addition of the Third Estate. Be sure to also include the following items on your timeline and at least one sentence about the person/event's impact:
    • Phillip II (expansion),
    • Louis IX (church relations and courts),
    • Philip IV (taxation and Estates General).

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Save your work and submit it via the View/Complete Assignment link in Blackboard.

Task 2 - Hundred Years War

Your assignment is to compare England and France in relation to the Hundred Years War.  Use the Venn Diagram provided, to analyze the weaponry, leadership, battles, and impact of the Hundred Years War.  Use your completed chart to help you answer the following questions in complete sentences:

Download: Blank Venn Diagram

  1. How did individuals impact the Hundred Years War (i.e., Joan of Arc)?

  2. What role did technology play in the Hundred Years War? How did it change European warfare for the centuries to come?

  3. Did the Hundred Years War leave a greater impact on France or England?  Explain your answer.

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Save your work and submit it via the View/Complete Assignment link in Blackboard.

Task 3: The Black Plague

What was the Black Plague and how did it change Europe?

The black or bubonic plague (the Black Death) was a killer disease that spread repeatedly through many areas of the world, from China to Europe. Symptoms of the disease included a high fever combined with black swellings on the neck and joints, causing many Europeans to believe that it was God's punishment for their sins.  Death became so rampant that people buried their neighbors and kin in mass graves and entire villages fled their homes in fear...

Use the links provided below (the last is quite interesting), to research the Black Death.  Then answer the following questions:

  1. What could people have done to contain the plague if they had understood its causes?
  2. How did Europeans try to explain the plague?
  3. How did the plague impact the mindset of Europeans?
  4. Are there any diseases of today that you can compare to the plague?
  5. What is the most interesting thing that you learned about the plague? Why?

plague map

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Save your work and submit it via the View/Complete Assignment link in Blackboard.