Exploring with Lewis and Clark - Non-Flash Version


If you have trouble loading the website, then you can use this page to complete the assignments.

  1. Click directly on the red numbers on the map below (except #10, I already did that one).
  2. This will open a video of me opening and narrating the documents for you.
  3. Use the documents to discover facts and details from each waypoint on the expedition.
  4. Choose ten (10) dots or waypoints on the map below, read the excerpt from the journal or documents, and then record two interesting details on this worksheet:| MS Word | PDF |
  5. The links on the worksheet will also work without using Flash or the LOC website.
  6. I recommend that you start by viewing entry 1, where I provide some additional details.

  7. You do not need to fill in all 20 boxes on the worksheet.

map of route

Save your work and submit it via the View/Complete Assignment link in Blackboard.