Lesson I Reading



Greek Drama--Antigone--Paean


Strophe 1

CHORAGOS: God of many names

CHORUS:                                        O Iacchos

of Kadmeian Semele
                                     O born of the Thunder!
Guardian of the West
of Eleusis' plain
                             O Prince of maenad Thebes
and the Dragon Field by rippling Ismenos: (5)

Antistrophe 1

CHORAGOS: God of many names

CHORUS:                                         the flame of torches
flares on our hills
                               the nymphs of Iacchos
dance at the spring of Castalia
from the vine-close mountain
                                                   come ah come in ivy:
Evohé evohé! sings through the streets of Thebes (10)

Strophe 2

CHORAGOS: God of many names

CHORUS:                                         Iacchos of Thebes
heavenly Child
                         of Semele bride of the Thunderer!
The shadow of plague is upon us:
with clement feet
                                oh come from Parnasos
down the long slopes
                                     across the lamenting water (15)

Antistrophe 2

CHORAGOS: Io Fire! Chorister of the throbbing stars!
O purest among the voices of the night!
Thou son of God, blaze for us!

CHORUS: Come with choric rapture of circling Maenads
Who cry Io Iacche!
God of many names! (20)


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