Lesson 2 Language Study


Greek/Latin/Anglo-Saxon Prefixes and Suffixes

Language Study--Adding to the ROOT: Prefixes and Suffixes


The word ROOTS we looked at in Lesson 1 may be given a bit of direction with either a supporting PREFIX (before the ROOT) or a SUFFIX (after the ROOT). When you find an unfamiliar word, look for a prefix/suffix that might provide clues to how the ROOT (the base element of the word) changes. The chart below gives meanings and examples for some common prefixes
(Holt Online Textbook p 187).

Take a look at some examples of Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes.

Greek Prefix/Suffix Meaning Example
meta-- changed; beyond metamorphosis (change in physical form)
pan-- all, whole pandemic (affecting many people)
hyper-- exceedingly hyperactive (uncontrollably animated)
para-- beyond parasol (umbrella--beyond the reach of the sun)
eu-- well, good euphony (harmonious; pleasing to the ear)
syn-- together with synchronous (together in time)
--ic, --tic pertaining to heretic (dissenter; one commiting heresy or dissent)
--oid like; resembling factoid (most likely factual)
--ess female seductress (tempting, alluring female.
Latin Prefix/Suffix Meaning Example
ante-- before antediluvian (before the flood)
ex-- out of excommunicated (out of the community)
sub-- under subservient (submissive)
in-- not incontinent (lacking self-restraint)
bene-- good benediction (good words [to live by, pehaps])
mal-- evil malevolent (characterized by ill will)
--ular relating to, resembling jocular (given to jesting; playful)
--fy make clarify (explain; make clear)
--let small owlet (baby owl)
--ure act; state of being composure (act of being composed)
Anglo-Saxon Suffixes Meaning Example
--en become brighten, sullen
--ful full of; marked by cheerful, fearful
--ness quality; state kindness; craziness

Use the table here in matching the word to the definition below


1. Beneficient A. an agreeable expression for one that may offend
2. Paranormal B. before the war
3. Euphemism C. performing acts of kindness, charity
4. Hyperbole D. having human form or attributes
5. Anthropomorphic E. of or relating to the eye
6. Deify F. excessive exaggeration
7. Ocular G. not scientifically explainable
8. Antebellum H. to glorify

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How did you do? Refer to pages 1131-1133 in the online textbook for more examples.

NEXT: Language Study: Prefixes and Suffixes: A Story to Remember