Lesson 3 Language Study


Vocabulary Development

WATS--Using Clues to Define Vocabulary

Like fingertips, words have identifiable prints and markings too...from roots to prefixes and suffixes. The Get-a-Clue program will help you learn how to track down a word's definition using the clues within the word.

This week you will complete Get a Clue, Level 4, Volume D. Follow these steps:

A. Log onto www.wordsandtheirstories.com

B. Look for the blue bar to the right of the page that says, “Choose a List.” Click on the yellow down arrow and find Level 4, Vol. D, then click “submit.”

C. Now click on the red bar to the left that says, “Pretest,” and take the pretest. Don’t worry if you don’t know a lot of the answers, the point of the pretest is just to assess what you know before you begin the unit. Read each item and then just take your best guess and move on.

D. Once you have completed this and read your results, click on “Main,” and then click on the red “Begin” bar. You may start in any category you wish, on any word that you want to. Once you have completed all of the steps for the study of one word, that word will turn green on the list. It will remain this way, even when you log off, so that every time you return to this same list, you will always know which words you have already completed. Keep coming back to the list until you have completed all 50 words!

E. When you have completed all of the words in Volume D, go back to the “Main” page and click on “Post-test.” (Note: This button will not light up until you have completed all of the words in the unit.)

F. Level 4, Volume D must be completed (including the post-test) no later than midnight on the Saturday that ends Week 4 of summer school.

Go on to Lesson 4.


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