Lesson 2 Writing


The Significance of Storytelling



Wrapping a moral or "life lesson" around a NARRATIVE or story helps provide a CONTEXT or setting one might easily remember. Advice to "Beware flatterers!" may come and go, but the memory of NARRATIVES (stories) linger and so, too, does whatever meaning, significance we attach to those tales.

Much of the wisdom and "life lessons" passed down through the generations are found in NARRATIVES, stories. Troy's MONOLOGUES are often in the form of NARRATIVES, in which he usually highlights a particular point, such as responsibility to family. In narrowing the focus of your own NARRATIVE, you might consider the wisdom, "life lesson", significance your own personal story. In the attached file, the author discusses characters and their conflicts leading to a “life lesson.” Read this passage and answer the accompanying multiple choice questions on your assignment sheet.

Discussion Board Assignment: Life Lesson

Share a life lesson that has been passed down in your family, either to you, a sibling, a parent, grandparent, etc. Or, think of a life lesson that you will pass down to generations following you. What role did NARRATIVE play in passing down this "life lesson?" In other words, was the life lesson presented in a story of some kind? If so, what was the story?  Respond to two students.

TIP 1: If it’s difficult to figure out the “life lesson,” think about a rule you live by -- like helping others in need or being respectful to your elders. Then, think about how you learned that rule/lesson and why it’s important to you.

TIP 2: Search for inspirational quotations and find one that reminds you of a story in your life. Make it your rule!

NEXT: Lesson 2 Writing: Narrative Continued