Lesson 2 Reading


Selection 2: Fences

Act II Scene 1


Read Act II Scene 1

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Stage Directions, Summary: It is Saturday Morning; they day after Troy warns Cory about "striking out." Cory's up early the next day, out in the yard, busy hitting a ball with a bat. The stage directions say the Cory attempts to mimic Troy, but Cory's swing is a bit awkward. Cory's athletic ability in football appears more natural, given the attention he's received from college scouts. How does Cory’s actions relate to hearing that he might strike out? Could hitting at the ball a metaphor?

After Troy, Cory, and Bono discuss the fence and then Cory goes inside, Bono interrogates Troy about "getting those walking blues" or wandering away from home (spending time with another woman, Alberta).

Make sure to close read this scene -- it’s a critical part of the rising action for several conflicts! What are some techniques that Wilson uses to emphasize the characters’ emotional and mental states?


page 61 "Joe Louis" -- a prominent black boxer in the mid-20th century; holder of the heavyweight belt for over 10 years. Louis knocked out German Max Schmelling in a 1938 fight. Given the context of the fight (year, nationalities, race) why might this fight represent more than a heavyweight boxing belt?

page 61 "I don't see why Mama want a fence around the yard noways. "

Fences: Neither Cory nor Troy can understand why the Rose wants the fences. Bono, on the other hand, comments that "...people build fences to keep people in" and not just out. Bono goes on to say that "Rose wants to hold on to you all. She loves you."

page 63 "I been trying to figure a way to work it out."

No stories or tales here: Troy faces the reality that the affair he's started may negatively affect Rose.

page 70 "We're not talking about baseball!"

In telling Rose about the affair, Troy reverts to comparisons with baseball, aligning his frustrations and failures of the last eighteen years with a base-runner stuck on first base. He explains: “I’m trying the best can to explain it to you.” What Troy overlooks are the sacrifices Rose has made over the same period of time: "I been standing with you!"

Discussion Board Assignment: Words of Wisdom

Throughout Acts 1 and 2, pieces of advice flow from one generation to the nextImagine you have been asked as a senior in high school to give the freshman class some words of wisdom or advice.  What would you tell the freshman class? Give examples or specifics detailing why they should follow your advice

Respond to one (or two) students.

NEXT: Lesson 2 Reading: Poetry