Lesson 1 Language Study


Elements of Language and Literature: TROPES--Metaphor

M.C. Escher's Sky and Water . 1938


Metaphor--Take the word "wall" and the images below, for example. The use of Berlin Wall and Wailing Wall "turn" the SIGNIFICATION or meaning of the word "wall" in vastly different ways. Take a look at the images and the descriptions of each wall, and then select the best possible answer for the questions below.

Berlin Wall, barrier separating East and West Berlin from 1961-1989. In a speech in 1946, Churchill referred to the division of Western Powers and the area controlled by the Soviet Union as follows:

"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the continent (Europe)."

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britian

Western Wall in Jerusalem, a holy site for both the Jewish and Muslim traditions. As the image shows, this is a place of prayer and reflection.


What meaning is communicated by the following use of each wall in the statements below?

Note: the speaker below is not literally standing before these walls! :)


"I was standing at the Berlin Wall."


"I was standing at the Wailing Wall."


NEXT: Lesson 1 Language Study--Metaphor