Guiding Questions


Generations: Expectations, Dreams, Barriers

Free photo Imprisoned Wire Caution Fencing Metal Barbed Wire - Max ...

Look carefully at this image. What are four of the key elements that you see? Based on the fence, you might INFER that it surrounds a prison. The rounds of barbed wire both keep people in and keep people out.

How might the condition of the flag SYMBOLIZE the consequences of creating a barrier for people based on race (or culture, religion, or country of origin)?

As you read each work in this unit, ask yourself how the author or poet deals with the following questions:

  • How do ideas about race and identity develop?

  • Where do we draw the line between independence and dependence within our families and among society?  

  • How are our dreams or goals affected when we set up boundaries around our lives?  

  • When will we know when to break down barriers we place around us and still maintain our independence?  

  • How do we decide what to pass on to the upcoming generations?  What should we pass on?

  • To what extent should we guide future generations or should we let them decide for themselves?

NEXT: Lesson 1 Reading: High School Glory Days