
Topic 7: Absolutism

Summer Online Task



Imagine that it is the year 1725 in St. Petersburg, Russia… You are the obituary (death notice) writer for the St. Petersburg Gazette newspaper. It is your sad job today to write the obituary for Czar Peter the Great who died early this morning. Your obituary must be thorough, accurate and worthy of the man who westernized Russia.

Directions: | MS Word | PDF |

  1. Read Ch. 21.4 in your World History textbook.
  1. Using reliable websites, research the life of Peter the Great. You will need to find the following:

    • Dates of birth and death
    • At least 5 personal facts (family, education, personality, appearance, etc.)
    • At least 5 ways he changed Russia (new laws, technology, customs, etc.)
  1. Using the information gathered from your research, type an obituary that details the life of Peter the Great. Your obituary should include the following:

    • A headline that pays tribute to the dead Czar
    • A paragraph explaining what Peter the Great was like as a person
    • A paragraph explaining how Peter the Great changed Russia
    • A paragraph summarizing Peter the Great's legacy for Russia
Peter The Great


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