
Topic 5: The Atlantic System

Online Task



Imagine that it is the year 1592 in Seville, Spain... You are the head chef at a popular restaurant. In honor of the 100th anniversary of Columbus' arrival in the New World, you decide to create a delicious, but educational menu that demonstrates the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the foods we enjoy. Your menu must be neat, creative and accurate.

Columbian Exchange Diagram


  1. Read Ch. 20.4 in your World History textbook and examine the list of foods native to the Eastern and Western hemispheres on page 572.
  1. Use MS Word or another program to create a layout for your menu with three columns.
  1. Title the three columns on each side of the paper Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
  1. On one side, create a complete (at least 3 options in each column) breakfast, lunch and dinner menu using only foods originally found in the Eastern Hemisphere. Cut and paste pictures that represent the meals next to each option.
  1. On the other side, create a complete (at least 3 options in each column) breakfast, lunch and dinner menu using only foods originally found in the Western Hemisphere. Cut and paste pictures that represent the meals next to each option.

The website above and p. 572 in your textbook will be of great assistance.

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