
Topic 12: Alexander and The Hellenistic Era

Online Tasks

| Task 1 | Task 2 |

Task 1: Hellenistic Culture Presentation

Your assignment is to create a PowerPoint or visual Presentation that highlights the achievements of the Hellenistic Era.  You will need to do some outside research to submit a good final product (see the additional resources and links in the 'Go Sign' Table).

Please be sure to include the following for full credit:

  • Title Page - name, title, 3 images representing the Hellenistic Era

  • Overview of Hellenistic Culture - definition, origin, 2 general images

  • Alexandria, Egypt - information about the city, major places of interest, 3 images

  • Science and Technology - information about achievements in astronomy, math and physics and 3 images

  • Philosophy and Art - information about philosophies and sculpture and a picture of the Colossus of Rhodes

  • Summary Slide - why is Hellenistic culture considered Alexander's greatest legacy?


Save your work and submit it via the View/Complete Assignment link in Blackboard.
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Task 2: Alexander the Great: Timeline

Historical study relies on the analysis of cause and effect relationships and the recognition of important connections.  How does one event cause another event to happen?  Why do civilizations rise and what causes them to fall?

Your task is to create a timeline that starts with Philip of Macedon’s ascension to the throne and ends with the importance of Hellenistic cities.  As you decide which events to include in your flowchart, consider the questions below. You may also want to consult this website for additional information.


  1. What events most greatly impacted Alexander’s life?

  2. How did Alexander most significantly influence the Mediterranean world?

  3. How did individuals, including Alexander, contribute to the development of Hellenistic Civilization?

  4. What 4 civilizations compose Hellenistic culture?


Save your work and submit it via the View/Complete Assignment link in Blackboard.
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