Travel Outside the United States (US)
You are responsible for completing work, attending classes, and submitting assignments, no matter where you are or if you are traveling. If you're unable to connect and meet course requirements as scheduled, you won’t be able to continue in your Online Campus course. If you have any questions or concerns, please email the FCPS Online Campus.
(Click each item below to see hardware and software requirements for accessing course material while traveling internationally.)
For regulatory reasons, FCPS cannot support access to course materials from the following countries:
Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Turkey, and Ukraine {this list may change at any time}.
For more details, check the Technology and Course Access tab, below.
Summer Attendance and Deadlines
Failure to meet deadlines because of travel will result in an administrative referral and potential removal from the course.
Reminder of In-Person Exams: Students who cannot attend the in-person exams on the dates and times scheduled will earn a 0% F for the exam score and may fail the course.
Attendance: Because online Summer Learning courses are only a few weeks long, absences cannot be excused. Students who miss more than 2 days-worth of work or class will not receive course credit and will be withdrawn from the course without a refund.
Course and assessment dates cannot be adjusted for vacations, travel, etc. Students must complete coursework and assessments as they are scheduled. Students are not permitted to start a course early or finish late to adjust for missing days of Summer Learning. During summer, there are no retake options.
Summer Refunds:If you cannot access the course due to international travel, you must request a refund by Day 2 of the course. No refunds will be given after this deadline.
School Year Attendance and Deadlines
Proctored Exams:
- You must be available in person to attend the required proctored exams at the dates, times, and locations announced by the teacher.
- If you miss these proctored exams, will earn a 0% F for the exam scores and may fail the course.
- Check your syllabus in Schoology for a list of specific in-person dates.
Weekly Synchronous Attendance:
- You must attend the weekly live class. You must plan your travel or transportation around your weekly class time.
- Class times will be announced by the teacher at the start of the course.
Weekly Work Submission:
- You cannot be excused from submission deadlines. All due dates and times will be posted in Schoology.
- Missed work will result in a grade of 0% F.
Failure to meet deadlines or attend class because of travel will result in an administrative referral and potential removal from the course.
- By regulation, if you miss 15 consecutive school days of classes and assignments will be unenrolled from the FCPS Online Campus.
Technology and Course Access
Student and Parent Access to Systems While Outside of the United States:
- The FCPS Office of Cyber Security (OCS) is allowing access to FCPS systems for students traveling internationally during the 2025 Summer Learning program.
- However, please note:
- FCPS cannot guarantee internet access or access to Schoology from any international location.
- Students must have:
- A working computer
- Access to a consistent internet connection
- Access to the Schoology LMS
- Access to their Google email and Google Drive
- Access to the online basal resources/textbooks for their course
- Students must inform their teacher by completing a Google form survey on the Friday before classes start. This is necessary for Zoom access
to be enabled during travel.
Countries with Restricted Access
Students traveling to the following countries will not be able to access FCPS applications and systems:
- Bulgaria
- China
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Iran
- North Korea
- Russia
- Syria
- Turkey
- Ukraine
⚠️ The list of restricted countries may be updated without notice by the Office of Cyber Security or the US government.
Due to security risks, you are not allowed to travel internationally with your FCPS-issued device. FCPS devices will not work properly outside the US/US Territories.
- Check the personal device you plan to use while traveling to make sure it meets the requirements in our Technology Checklist.
- FCPS does not provide technical support for personal devices.
- FCPS cannot guarantee internet access or access to Schoology from any international location.
- Students must have:
- A working computer
- Access to a consistent internet connection
- Access to the Schoology LMS
- Access to their Google email and Google Drive
- Access to the online basal resources/textbooks for their course
- Students must inform their teacher by completing a Google form survey on the Friday before classes start. This is necessary for Zoom access to be enabled during travel.
Essential Information Before Registering
Before registering for a course with the Online Campus, be sure to review these important information pages:
Questions? Contact the Online Campus 8am to 4pm Monday-Friday at (703) 503-7781 or Online Campus