Lesson 2 Reading


Selection 1: Poem

miss rosie by Lucille Clifton

Georgia State Flower -- The Cherokee Rose

Re-living the "glory days," as musician Bruce Springsteen sings in his song of the same name, includes not only the grand conquests on the fields, courts, pools, of play, but other shimmering moments of youth, such as triumphs of beauty and popularity. Personal attractiveness might help one navigate the halls of high school more easily, but there's no guarantee of success based solely on looks, just as ACUMEN (skill) in sports do not PRESAGE (foreshadow) a college scholarship. Take a look at the fate of the high school "prom queen" in Springsteen's song.

  Excerpt from Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen

Well there's a girl that lives up the block
back in school she could turn all the boy's heads
Sometimes on a Friday I'll stop by
and have a few drinks after she put her kids to bed
Her and her husband Bobby well they split up
I guess it's two years gone by now
We just sit around talking about the old times,
she says when she feels like crying
she starts laughing thinking about...

Chorus: Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days



Before reading "miss rosie," go to the Pre-Reading questions for the poem.

The image referenced in the first question is available here.

Submit the assignment on the Lesson 2 Assignment Sheet.

Read the poem miss rosie by Lucille Clifton

If link does not open, click here for PDF: miss rosie by Lucille Clifton

Click here for notes on the poem.

miss rosie audio

When you have finished reading, and you have reviewed the notes page linked above, take the miss rosie reading quiz.Submit your results on the Lesson 2 Assignment Sheet.

NEXT: Lesson 2 Reading Fences