Technology & Skills Checklist for FCPS Online Courses
(Click on each item below to see the software, hardware, and skills you need for your online class)
You must have a webcam for your synchronous class with the Online Campus.
Important Information for Student Success
Before registering for a course with the Online Campus, be sure to review these important information pages:
Required Software & Hardware
You must turn on your webcam for your weekly synchronous class with the Online Campus.
Personally Owned Devices (not issued by FCPS): to take an online course, your device must meet these basic technology requirements:
- Email: All FCPS messages will be sent to your email. This is the safest way to communicate.
- Reliable Internet: Your browser must have JavaScript and Cookies enabled. See your base school SBTS for information on affordable internet access.
- Access to:
- FCPS Schoology LMS
- Your FCPS Google Apps for Education account
- Zoom with a working headset and microphone. Test your setup using the Zoom Meeting Test.
- Zoom Access: Students cannot log into Zoom directly.
- Sign into Chrome using your email.
- Join Zoom classes through the Zoom button in your Schoology course menu (bottom-left).
- Zoom Access: Students cannot log into Zoom directly.
- Additional Software like:
- Google Chrome web browser
- Adobe Reader
- For AP World Language courses: You need Audacity® for audio recording. After installing Audacity, download and install the Lame mp3 encoder.
- Check your course syllabus for any extra software needed for your online class.
- Other Required Tools:
- A scanner, scanner app, or the Schoology Mobile App
- Windows 10 or newer / MAC 10.6 or newer**
**Note: FCPS does not provide tech support for personal devices, but you can use your personal device with outside support.
If you're using an FCPSOn device, this software is already installed. If anything is missing, talk to the School-Based Technology Specialist at your school.
Basic Skills
It's important to review these tasks and practice them on the device you will use for your Online Campus course.
You should know how to:
- Create a new folder on a PC or on a MAC
- Save a file on a PC or a MAC
- Cut, copy and paste on a PC or on a MAC
- Find a lost file on a PC hard drive or on a MAC
- Download a file in Chrome (Video)
- Send and receive email, with screenshots if needed, in Outlook or Gmail. Your FCPS Google account has a screenshot add-on.
If you are using a PC, you can use Microsoft Snip & Sketch (Video). - Use an Internet browser to search for information on the Web
- View audio and video files
FCPS Schoology LMS
Your online course is hosted in the FCPS Schoology Learning Management System (LMS). However, you won’t be able to access it until your Online Campus teacher contacts you.
Recommended Browser:The best browser for the Schoology LMS is Google Chrome. If you have issues, try switching to a different browser to see if the problem is browser-related.
Logging In to Your CourseTo log in, you need an FCPS user ID and password.
- FCPS Students: Your User ID is your student ID, and your password is the same one you used last school year.
- Non-FCPS Students: After your registration is processed and courses are created in the FCPS system, you will receive a student ID.
- An Online Campus staff member will email this information on the Friday before the class begins.
- Be sure to reply to this email and confirm your Schoology LMS access as soon as you receive their message.
FCPS Schoology LMS accounts are linked to your FCPS network account.
- Log in at
- Your user ID is your FCPS student ID only.
- To change your password, go to Student Password Change.
- If you forget your password, visit Student Password Recovery.
- Still need help? Email the Online Campus and include your name, student ID, and a request to reset your password.
FCPS Google Accounts for Education and Email
All Online Campus courses use FCPS Google Accounts for Education.
Logging In- Access your FCPS Google Account at:
- Your email is [email protected], example: [email protected].
- Your password is the same FCPS password for all sites.
- You must check your email multiple times a day.
- You won't turn in assignments through email—all work must be submitted directly in your FCPS Schoology LMS course.
- To change your password, go to Student Password Change.
- If you forget your password, visit Student Password Recovery.
- Still need help? Email the Online Campus and include your name, student ID, and a request to reset your password.
HTML 5 Video: click the play button to check that your system settings allow for online video play.
Road to Perdition
*If a video doesn't play in your browser, try using a different one like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge..
International Travel
If you plan to travel while taking a school year or summer course, make sure to check the technology requirements for accessing your course from outside the United States (U.S.).:
Questions? Contact the Online Campus 8am to 4pm Monday-Friday at (703) 503-7781 or Online Campus